
Martha Stewart’s Announcement About Her Dead Cat Is … Kind of Refreshing?

Behold these “beautiful and unusual” Instagram posts.

Martha Stewart attends the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party in a black dress and pearls on February 9, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California.
Martha Stewart in Beverly Hills, California on Feb. 9, 2020.  Rich Fury/VF20/Getty Images for Vanity Fair

On Sunday, Martha Stewart, known around here for her spon-con-y Instagram posts24 karat gold face mask, anyone?—shared a more somber update.

Her dogs had killed her cat, the “beautiful and unusual” Princess Peony. (More specifically, “the four dogs mistook” Princess Peony “for an interloper and killed her defenseless little self.”)

This news is somewhat jarring on its own. What made it more curious was the total lack of ceremony with which Stewart dispensed it. Here, behold a picture of three men digging a rather large cat-grave:

This is….dare I say…a little refreshing for social media? An unfiltered, objectively bad scene from a highly-managed rich person’s life—or anyone’s, really—is somewhat rare. You get a lot of cats in this online world, but few in progress cat graves. Which are a totally natural part of a beloved pet’s life cycle.

Stewart did follow up with a post featuring Peony herself, and a matter-of-fact caption:

Celebrities, they’re just like us. Sometimes their pets die at the paws of their other pets. Or their Teslas.